Lesson 6 - Reading

1. How will I use the Import Wizard?  Any situations where this feature would be helpful?

  • Mostly in downloading web sites from the Internet to view the code, files, etc.  This is a terrific way for me to learn as I dissect how others are able to accomplish specific tasks.

2. Have you needed to delete or rename web pages or an entire web site?  What was the situation?  How did you handle it?

  • I have renamed web pages in the past using FrontPage, HomeSite and using the right-click and then rename folder.  

  • I changed all of the files to lowercase from a mix case.

  • I did it using both FrontPage, HomeSite and just using the Rename folder to keep the hyperlinks intact.

3. Is web publishing something you needed to know?  Are you going to be responsible for publishing your own webs?  Have you published a web already?

  • I don't think its necessary to know it.  You can use an FTP program to move developed web pages over.

  • I will be publishing my own sites.  Remember, I'm doing this for fun on my free time.

  • Yes.  Using both FrontPage and FTP.

FrontPage Home Reading Assignment  Field Trip  Exercise