Lesson 6 - Exercise

1. What did you like about web publishing?  What didn't you like?  Why?

  • It's greatly simplified when publishing your finished product to hosting site.  When I'm not using FP, I use WS_FTP to transport individual pages and folders to the hosting site.  There's a little more work involved, but it also give me better control or a least the 'sense' of control.

2. Did you find the activity of building a web from scratch helpful?

  • Yep.  It's always good to start from the scratch and work upward!  

  • Yep.  It's always good to work from one that's been stated and complete it!

  • Yep.  It's always good to look at a completed one and break it down into components!

  • ... I'm serious!  It is!!

3. What did you find to be the most difficult part of creating this project?

  • I'm not sure if difficult is correct, but for me it's absorbing and understanding the features of FP.  I need repetitiveness to solidify what we've accomplished.  Knowing that, I will be signing-up for the FP Level 2 course.  

  • See ya then!

  • Celebrate our INDEPENDENCE!!

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