Lesson 4 - Reading Assignment

1. List 3 advantages and disadvantages for using images on your web site.
•  1. Images can depict the target links. 
   2. Images assist in Branding your web site. 
   3. Images are used to display items. 

•  1. Images can detract from the intent of your web site. 
   2. Bookmarks makes it difficult to read text upon it. 
   3. Many or high definition images, take a greater amount of time to load.
2. Where do you get images for web sites? Will you create your own graphics?
•  I search the Internet. 
•  Not at this time.
3. What are some of the advantages of using alternate text?
•  Alternate text describes the image when the mouse is over the image. Alternate text describes the image to visitors who have 'turned off' images in browsers. There are also devices that surf the internet but do not support images.
4. Hotspots - usefulness? Will you use? Have you visited sites with hotspots?
•  They are extremely useful with the appropriate images. i.e. the 'top-down' view layout of a house.  You click on the room which will take you to the pictures of the room.  I believe there is software for this.  Maybe the professor or one of the students will know... TIA.
•  Will use hotspots when appropriate.

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