Lesson 2 - Reading Assignment

1. Name at least one advantage and one disadvantage of using links?
• It's a simple and easy way to jump to a different page internally or externally.
• Continually monitor the links ensuring the target pages exist..
2. Bookmark links are confusing and are used differently in Netscape Navigator.  What would you call it?
• Don't use Navigator and you won't be confused. Smile!
3. Of the links created, which one do you use most often? Why?
•   Internal links. I have numerous internal pages that I want the visitor to access.
4. Do you anticipate any problems using drag and drop to create a link? What are they?
•   No problems. However, it's easier to highlight the text and create a link.
5. What are the advantages of Navigation bars?
• Navigation bars provide a common layout when accessing target pages.  FP provides multiple ways in creating navigation bars and how they are displayed. When modifying the FP navigation bar all pages are updated.

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